Hello, Alchemist!

Today is all about Reiki…Star Nation Reiki, with Marie Morohoshi. A daughter of immigrants, Marie is a queer nisei (second generation Japanese American) activist and Reiki-Master Teacher. Marie’s deep affinity for ceremony and nature was seeded at the age of six when she began her rigorous training in Chado (The Way of Tea) and Kado (The Way of Flowers), practices rooted in Japanese Zen Buddhism. These practices and many others that followed would lead to the cumulative effect that informs her current Reiki practice, ways of teaching and being in the world. Drawn to restoring deep reverence and relationship with nature, Marie feels most alive when she brings traditional and ancestral ways of healing together in the context of nature and ceremony. 

Marie feels most of today’s human and planetary suffering stems from its forgotten inherent relationship with the natural world and all things sacred. She contributes in whatever small way she can to restore balance to the world within her reach, including through sacred activism. 

You can contribute to Marie’s scholarship for future queer, trans and BIPOC healers at https://bit.ly/gofundme888 Then learn more about Marie’s work at http://starnationreiki.com and IG @starnationreiki

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