Happy December, Alchemists!

This beautiful season is an invitation to the next phase of your spiritual awakening, preparing you for a year that focuses on spiritual evolution, 2023.

Events of the month:

Dec 3rd: Neptune Direct and Portal of Progression

Dec 7th: Full Moon in Gemini

Dec 12th: Portal of Creativity

Dec 21st: Sun in Capricorn Winter Solstice and Portal of Reflection

Solstice/Introspection: Life transitions as we welcome the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year). Daylight begins to fade and we are reminded to move inward, taking a closer look at ourselves. How have you grown this year? What have you learned? With each breath, you are more radiant and wiser than before. Honor your growth and progression, and be willing to see what you are still avoiding in your process of evolution. You have choice. Surrender to the process of purification and rejuvenation through release. After this night, the day...the light...begins to expand.


Dec 23rd: New Moon in Capricorn

Dec 29th: Mercury Retrograde, until Jan 18th

Dec 30th: Portal of Revision

Go to http://theenergeticalchemist.com to register for Alchemy of the Oracle and join me in the Alchemy Circle! xo