Join us this week for an enlightening conversation about the upcoming "Open to Peace" workshop at Omega Institute, June 17-21.

In this episode, you'll meet:

Brett Bevel, Omega staff member who envisioned this impactful workshop and its role in Omega's future. We'll delve into his inspiration and the selection process for the incredible presenters.Hethyrre, who will introduce the week, guide peace practices, and teach us the ancient practice of Sai Maa Diskha, including initiations.Avalon, who will lead participants through Magical Awakening Levels 1 & 2, facilitate the clearing of collective war grief, and offer the Angelic Doorway Empowerment for ancestral healing. She'll also discuss and empower listeners with Psychic Reiki.

Join us as we explore our different yet complementary approaches to achieving peace. Discover how to connect with nature and animals through Animal Reiki, participate in peace-focused fire ceremonies, and engage with the Reiki World Peace Grids. We'll discuss Earthworks healing, Hethyrre’s peace practices, and Pam’s insights on peace activism. Finally, we’ll hear from Brett about the exciting Reiki conference at the "Open to Peace" workshop, which will be held from June 21 to 23. This episode offers a preview of what you can expect at the Omega Institute this summer, where you can learn from all these remarkable individuals.


Sign Up/Learn More about the "Open to Peace" workshop at the Omega Institute in NY:


"Wisdom of Reiki" conference June 21-23:

Brett Bevell is the author of several books, including Psychic Reiki, The Wizards Guide To Energy Healing, and Healing Racism Within A Lightworkers Guide. Also a poet, his poem America Needs a Buddhist President aired on NPR’s All Things Considered in March 2000.
Connect with Brett:

Hethyrre is a transformational healer and a dowser living in Louisville, KY. As guided, she facilitates events and projects to support humanity's ascension process.
Connect with Hethyrre:

Avalon is a Wayshower and has been an energy Healer, Yoga teacher, and meditation guide for 30 years. She has also taught at Omega for over two decades and is an intuitive spiritual life coach.
Connect with Avalon:

Host Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, businesswoman, and Licensed Reiki Master Teacher (LRMT) with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is the author of "The Reiki Business Book" and co-authors ICRT Animal Reiki training.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in person in Canada, the US, and Australia.
Connect with Pam: [email protected]

A special thanks goes to Music from Pixabay for the intro music and Nate Miller for the meditation music. 

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