Every year, I make my way back to Sedona. It's not just the stunning views, but the energy - it's like nothing else. So, what's the big deal about these vortexes? Think of them as nature's power spots, where energy is supercharged and you can't help but feel... more connected, more alive. 

Every year, nestled among these vortexes, I hit record and capture a meditation. And let me tell you, folks have had some real "aha!" moments tuning in. Dive into this episode for a 30-minute venture into the heart of Sedona's magic. Whether it's your first time or you’ve been listening a while, I can’t wait to explore the vortexes with you. 

Want to feel like you’re here with me? Watch the video-recording of this podcast on our YouTube channel, @Reiki from the Farm

Get in Touch with Pam:
Email: [email protected]

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A special thanks goes out to Music from Pixabay for the intro music and to Nate Miller for the meditation music. 

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