When you think about how you communicate, is your focus mainly on how you communicate to others? Do you give any thought or attention as to how you communicate to yourself? There is a relationship between the two and our amazing guest today is here to help us understand that relationship and how we can make it bloom.

Leslie Saul is a certified master neuro linguistic life coach and clinical hypnotherapist. As one who not only teaches the philosophy but also lives it, Leslie believes deeply in relational coaching.
As a Relational Life Coach, she is passionate and committed to her clients causes and all about strategic involvement. Her goal is to help people to help themselves in the shortest time possible which will enable a lasting change.
Unlike traditional therapy, Leslie goes directly to the core. She says that she does not peel the layers of the onion back, instead, she goes right to the core of the issue, knocks it out and allows her clients to bloom from the inside out.

To connect with Leslie, go to her website at lesliejsaul.com