How many times have you been told to ‘think positive’ or ‘just be happy’ and you look at whomever said that to you with the thought, it’s not that easy. Happiness is the #1 thing that most want in their lives, but yet it seems like very few people actually achieve it. Why is that? Is there some sort of secret to becoming a positive happy person? Todays amazing guest is here to shed some light on that.

Dr. Paul Jenkins works with organizations and individuals to establish and maintain habitual patterns of positive perception and focus that increase happiness, engagement, productivity, profit, and ultimate achievement of professional and personal life missions.
With two decades of experience as a professional psychologist, Dr. Paul lays out the how and the why behind the art and science of being constructive in an often destructive environment. It is like having an owner’s manual for your brain – one you can actually read, understand, and apply, which allows you to understand your own mind and improve its functioning on purpose.

To connect with Dr. Paul, check out his podcast, Live On Purpose Radio, or head to his website