The enemy is subtle, and will often speak to us in phrases we use ourselves. The above test, “Is that You, Lord,” will likely expose him, though it may take several times applying the test. That’s fine with the Lord; He wants us to grow in confidence and authority. The enemy is NO HINDRANCE to hearing from the Lord, as he is a conquered enemy. God has left him here, though, to reveal where we are wounded and living out of our flesh, and to teach us how to overcome (how to hear the voice of the Lord). Just because you’re hearing the voice of the enemy doesn’t mean you’ve missed God or are in some kind of dire straits. It simply means God has placed an opportunity before you to overcome the enemy by standing on your authority and commanding him to skedaddle or to reveal a wound so you can get healed. Either way, his presence in your life is allowed by God and serves His, and your, purpose for that time.

As we learn to IDENTIFY the voice of the Lord, we will also be learning to discern if what we are hearing and being taught from others is from God or some other source. Our confidence in our ability and judgment grows, and we become free from the fear of being exposed to “error.” Your discernment will become so sharp that if even an angel of light were to appear spouting scriptures you’d be able to inwardly know if the source was God or of some other origin. This hearing comes with time, experience, trial and error, but it is more than worth the effort.

2. Understanding (recognition of WHAT is being said, by revelation and experience)

Over time we will begin to become familiar with the way He speaks to us individually, but at first, as our confidence is nurtured by the Spirit, it is often helpful to approach this aspect of training fairly objectively. God’s goal is relationship with you, not holding it against you that you may not hear Him as accurately as you’d like.