On this weeks episode, we covered a story involving a man who was arrested for not providing the requisite 3 weeks notice before traveling out of the country. This is really a tragedy. Larry thinks that this is where the litigation should be focused on. There are various situations where you might not have 3...

On this weeks episode, we covered a story involving a man who was arrested for not providing the requisite 3 weeks notice before traveling out of the country. This is really a tragedy. Larry thinks that this is where the litigation should be focused on. There are various situations where you might not have 3 weeks advance notice. A death in the family is just one such example.

You **MUST** go watch the FYP Studios movie called “The Intruders”. This is a 10 minute long movie based on real life events of the horrible treatment that PFRs are faced with. This is a must see. And I sincerely hope that you enjoy it. https://youtu.be/iowB_E6U9Jc

[01:43] Question #1 about voice stress analysis while in treatment

[10:30] Question #2 challenging how can we the PFRs afford a high dollar attorney like Ashley

[16:17] Question #3 suggesting we get the podcast distributed as music into the prison system on the GTL tablets

[18:00] Question #4 is looking for answers in leaving the United States of America

[23:16] Little detour regarding the Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett and a little hypocrisy

[30:53] https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-personal-taxes-idaho-archive-prisons-690023e0f661c1715eed0030a366e53c


[37:39] https://www.tampabay.com/news/hillsborough/2020/10/15/hillsboroughs-sheriff-publicized-a-sex-sting-did-it-target-gay-men/

[41:28] https://www.courthousenews.com/military-tells-high-court-there-is-no-time-bar-to-rape-cases/


[47:09] https://ccresourcecenter.org/2020/10/13/michigan-becomes-sixth-state-with-automatic-conviction-relief/


[49:27] https://theappeal.org/florida-sheriffs-desantis/

[56:06] https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/10/private-prisons-have-spent-more-on-this-election-than-any-other-in-history/

[58:46] https://www.justice.gov/usao-cdca/pr/sex-offender-arrested-lax-attempting-leave-us-allegedly-failed-provide-authorities

Read the Transcript of RM149: Man Arrested For Failing To Notify Angel Watch


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