We are proud to have Dr. Chris Pelloski this week. Dr. Pelloski wrote a response to NPR regarding their segment which aired in early September. This segment had numerous factual errors regarding PFRs, and being classified as “missing”. Dr. Pelloski earned his medical degree from the Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago in 2001 and...

We are proud to have Dr. Chris Pelloski this week. Dr. Pelloski wrote a response to NPR regarding their segment which aired in early September. This segment had numerous factual errors regarding PFRs, and being classified as “missing”. Dr. Pelloski earned his medical degree from the Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago in 2001 and was accepted into the Radiation Oncology Residency Training Program at the University of Texas – MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and served on faculty there and the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center. He ran his own full clinical practice, supervised his own basic-science research laboratory, and served as the OSU department’s residency program director and as the director of pediatric radiation oncology.

Trauma, Shame, and the Power of Love: The Fall and Rise of a Physician Who Heals Himself

A Tortuous Path: Atonement and Reinvention in a Broken System

[1:38] Listener question on “Non-punitive, civil regulatory scheme”

[14:11] https://triblive.com/opinion/norman-reimer-ag-candidates-must-discuss-fixing-trial-penalty

[22:32] https://www.politico.com/news/agenda/2020/09/29/prison-telecom-costs-422774


[28:05] https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/09/30/police-and-undercover-sting-operations-stop-creating-crime-column/3508501001/

[36:33] https://www.vox.com/21454844/murder-crime-us-cities-protests

[37:14] https://www.law360.com/articles/1313563/in-email-atty-client-privilege-battle-house-sides-with-inmates

[40:16] https://thecrimereport.org/2020/09/28/why-redefining-violence-should-be-a-justice-priority/

[45:40] https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/bv8qyd/breonna-taylor-investigation-witness-changes-story

[50:10] https://ccresourcecenter.org/2020/09/30/michigan-to-be-sixth-state-with-automatic-conviction-relief/

[53:29] https://reason.com/2020/10/01/publishing-registered-sex-offenders-home-addresses-for-halloween-is-gratuitous-unethical-and-reckless/

[56:19] https://www.vice.com/en/article/3azgmn/corrections-officer-who-called-black-inmate-the-n-word-is-getting-fired-for-the-third-time

[59:23] Interview with Chris Pelloski


Read Transcript of RM147: Dr. Pelloski’s Analysis of Media Bias on PFRs



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