Transcript of RM145: Registration in Wisconsin Requires Annual Payment of $100.00 We were joined by one of our patrons, Justin. He asked us a question a little while back about paying a fee to Wisconsin of $100 per year. He receives this bill even though he doesn’t, and has never lived in Wisconsin. Would you...

Transcript of RM145: Registration in Wisconsin Requires Annual Payment of $100.00

We were joined by one of our patrons, Justin. He asked us a question a little while back about paying a fee to Wisconsin of $100 per year. He receives this bill even though he doesn’t, and has never lived in Wisconsin. Would you pay it if you were threatened with arrest and all that, even though you don’t live in the state. And it’s not like he lives close by. He lives on the other side of the country.



Arizona Man Faces 8 Years in Prison For Not Returning Rental Car on Time



[21:31] Justin’s question

[45:09] From the wife of a PFR

[54:32] Tony’s question


RM145: Registration in Wisconsin Requires Annual Payment of $100.00

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