Read Transcript of RM140: AG Barr Seeks to Force AWA Compliance On the show this week, we dive into a case from Tennessee involving a man who had all of the registry requirements imposed on him long after his crime was committed. He went to court to get an injunction, and was awarded the injunction....

Read Transcript of RM140: AG Barr Seeks to Force AWA Compliance

On the show this week, we dive into a case from Tennessee involving a man who had all of the registry requirements imposed on him long after his crime was committed. He went to court to get an injunction, and was awarded the injunction. This is great news and could ultimately have wide reaching impact on PFRs.

We also discuss an update to The Adam Walsh Act that has many of those quite worried. Hopefully this will assuage so of those fears.

[8:17] Tennessee Reid vs. Lee

[44:51] AWA proposed regulations.







AWA Checklist for Substantial Compliance

AWA Guidelines_2008

DOJ Proposal for AWA_2020


Ried vs. Lee – Tennessee

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