Previous Episode: I Can't Yet See

There’s a story, a set of rules and ideas that you’ve accepted as truth for your body and your sexuality. You might not even be aware. It’s ok, we’ve all done it. 

But, what if we were to UN-do the story?

Authors Linda Noble and Linda Stewart join Josh on the podcast to pull apart the narrative and present you with an invitation to The Body and Personhood.

There are no rules here, just God’s heart for the human person you are meant to be.

There is an unrepeatable value about each person.

There is an unrepeatable value to you. 

Let’s dive in.


We need to rewrite the paradigm. We need to go back to the very beginning and start over.

Actually, we are embodied persons. Our body expresses who we are and the things that we do with our body affects who we are and our person. So, we really need to change the message.

There’s a difference between our body being an expression of who we are versus an accessory.


Prayer for your body: “God thank you for this strong body that enables me to love and live and serve, to see that my body is not about my appearance but about how it expresses the love from God through my person. I pray those parts of my body that I feel ashamed of or wish were different, that I can see them now as the way I express God’s love to others and also to Him.”

Practice for your body to recognize others as whole persons: Retrain yourself talk to say, I see the whole person when I see my best friend. I see the whole person when I see my family members. 

Practical exercise for your body: Model whole seeing by making EYE CONTACT, which acknowledges the person. Also, TALK about others as whole people when complimenting. We are more than the pimple on our forehead, or our stature or shape. Try using language for yourself and others that reflects what you see about the whole person (i.e. their kindness, patience or generosity).


Before The Sex Talk: A Theology of the Body Approach for Parents and Mentors by Linda Beth Noble and Linda Marie Stewart 

Linda Noble, Ministry Director at Journey Community Church in La Mesa, CA 

Linda Stewart, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Supervisor at Safe Haven Relationship Center in Carlsbad, CA

Theology of the Body 


Full Transcription Available here

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