The enemy is hard at work weaving lies about who you are, hoping to trap you under a suffocating blanket of who you are NOT. 

Don’t fall in the trap. 

The fabric of your being is more intricate and intentional than you can imagine. But the world and the enemy are diligent to get you to believe that what you struggle with is you, is your fault, is because of what you’ve done. 

As you listen, allow the Lord to tug at a few threads with you to discover the lies you might be living under. Consider letting the masterful hands that created you be the ones to uncover the larger identity you are made for.


An abuser tries to get their victim to believe they wanted the abuse, they invited it, caused it to happen. The enemy is using the same tactic on you.

When you believe something false about yourself you are more likely to live into the faulty narrative the enemy wants you to believe.

The enemy tries to get those that are addicted to sexual behaviors or those who experience certain types of sexual attractions to believe the lie is about their identity, about who they are. 

If the enemy can get you to believe that you are wired this way; then there’s no hope to overcome the struggle and live differently. This is a lie in our culture.

It’s so important to not get trapped under a lie about your identity; or even under a smaller identity than God has created for you.

There are lots of ways the enemy will try to back you into a destructive impression of you; limiting your relationships, your capacity to live fully alive as a man or a woman, your ability to walk in freedom and sexual integrity.

Questions & a Prayer for You

What are the lies you believe about yourself telling you that you want this habit, you invited it, or that you caused it to happen?

What do you believe about yourself that holds you captive to sin, making it more difficult to walk in freedom from that sin?

“Lord, I have believed that I’m less than I am. I suspect I believe that I’m less than I am. I’ve become entrapped in a story that’s not working for me to walk in integrity and wholeness and freedom. 

Lord, I want to know who you say I am. So, would you expose the lies that I’ve believed about myself and would you help me embrace who you say I am even before I know and can see all the fruit of that in my life. 

Lord, I choose to believe you more than my experience, more that what others have said, more than what I’ve declared about myself and more than what the enemy has told me about myself.

Lord, you are my creator. And who you say I am is who I am. Jesus, you are my Redeemer. And, who you’ve redeemed me to be is who I am. 

I say “yes” to the identity you’ve given me and “no” to every other faulty identity. 

Lord, Help me to walk in the newness of the life you’ve given me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

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