Are you hiding parts of yourself out of fear or shame, most notably in relation to sexual sins and insecurities? 

You're not alone.

We'll venture back to the Garden of Eden, exploring the original concept of being 'naked and unashamed', and how our perception of vulnerability has been distorted since sin became part of our world.

This episode serves as a sanctuary to inspect our fears, acknowledging that it's normal to feel endangered as we expose our truest selves, and how experiences of shame often amplify this apprehension.

Trusting in societal norms that equate strength with solitude can lead us astray. In fact, we challenge the misconception that the 'better' you are, the less you need others.

Instead, we promote interdependence and community, asserting that the healthiest, most attractive, and godly among us are those integrated individuals who are not afraid to reveal their true selves to reliable friends or spouses.

For those wrestling with sexual integrity and recovery from unwanted sexual behavior, this discussion highlights the importance of unearthing the parts of ourselves we've often buried. 

Join us, as we confront the falsehood that has kept us prisoners and embrace the liberation of being wholly known and loved.

Want us to talk about a specific topic? Change up the format, or just tell us the podcast rocks! We want your feedback on Becoming Whole. You can leave your feedback here

If you are in the Baltimore Area, Regeneration is happy to invite you to our 2024 Dessert Fundraiser, Spark: One Small Thing Leads to So Much More. This annual gathering is a highlight for so many as we gather for tasty desserts, heartfelt worship, vulnerable and powerful stories, and an opportunity to partner with what Jesus is doing through Regeneration. Click Here for more info or to register.