When a person is told they have breast cancer, there are many emotions that come from that diagnosis, including grief and fear. Lisa Chism is very aware of these emotions and the way they continually show up throughout the journey of battling breast cancer. This is why she looks at the whole picture with those affected by this diagnosis – from their sex lives, care and well-being, and how menopause or perimenopause is affecting them. In this episode, Kara and Lisa discuss the many things a person can experience with breast cancer and how to advocate to get the best care they deserve. 

Lisa Chism holds a Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) and is the clinical director of Oakland Macomb Center for Breast Health. She holds three specialty certifications which include certification as a Menopause Practitioner through the Menopause Society, certification as sexuality counselor through the American Association of Sexuality Therapists, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT), and after 15 years caring for breast cancer survivors and patients at high risk for breast cancer, she became certified in breast care through the Oncology Nursing Society. Lisa has established a dedicated menopause and sexual health clinic caring for the menopausal and sexual health needs of women who have a history of breast cancer or are at elevated risk for breast cancer. 

Lisa has authored numerous publications related to women’s healthcare including serving as lead author of the 2023 Menopause Society’s Non hormonal position statement. She guest lectures at universities across the country and her textbook The Doctor of Nursing Practice: A Guidebook for Role Development and Professional Issues is in its fifth edition. She is a Fellow of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and was selected as Menopause Practitioner of the year 2011. She formally served on the Board of Directors at the North American Menopause Society as well as a federal advisory committee with the CDC regarding breast cancer in young women. In October 2021, Lisa Chism was inducted as a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.

Learn more:
Oakland Macomb Obstetrics & Gynecology Provider Profile
North American Menopause Society
International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health