In all her education in sexual health, Kara has never heard orientation explained or broken down the way that Aubri Lancaster did when talking about asexuality and aromanticism. Aubri challenged Kara to think more deeply about how orientation is taught and expressed to illustrate that we are leaving out important details and many layers. They look at those layers with more intention. If you like philosophy and the study of human sexuality, then this episode is for you. 

Aubri Lancaster (she/her) is an AASECT and ANTE UP! Certified Sexuality Educator. As a Greyromantic Asexual, Aubri has lived experience and a connection to the Asexual and Aromantic communities that provides a unique perspective on the issues facing the changing landscape of sexuality and orientation. When not working, Aubri spends her time with her spouse, her friends, her 6 year old, and her two adorable Chihuahuas.

Learn more about Aubri:
IG and TikTok: @AceSexEducation