What would it look like if you could be paid to be yourself? 

Do you even know what to do in order to make this a reality?

You might be someone who thinks that being paid to be yourself requires quitting your job and building a business around your brand.

While this is one option it’s not the only one available to you, especially if you’re not willing or in a position to leave your current job.

Getting paid to be yourself requires a reframe.  

It requires that you have a completely different orientation on how you think about and show up in work.  

In this episode you’ll learn: 

How to change your current way of working so you can get paid to be you How going beyond your skills is the key to your next level  The four specific ways you can go beyond your skills in order to get paid to be you 

By putting the four ways I share in this episode into practice you can not only start getting paid to be you right where you are now but you’ll start to see and create more possibilities of this elsewhere. 


About: The Reframe to Create podcast is hosted by Joy Spencer, an Executive Leadership and Storytelling Coach, Speaker, and Organizational Development Consultant working with professionals and leaders at all levels within organizations.  Joy leverages over 17 years of experience she gained while working to champion change in social justice movements, including those related to global access to essential medicines and consumer advocacy for online privacy.  This work required a dogged commitment to not merely challenging the status quo, but to reimagining and working towards creating an ideal future.  It is this commitment to creating that has shaped Joy’s coaching philosophy and approach today. Using her signature C.R.E.A.T.E. framework, Joy guides her clients through a process to become incomparable in work so they can get paid to be themselves.  


Follow Joy on LinkedIn  - https://www.linkedin.com/in/joy-spencer/






Episode 14 - Developing Your Story Brand

Episode 31 - You can only go as far as who you are   

Episode 36 - The Secret to Unlocking Your Inner Storyteller 

Rob Biesenbach - Unleash the Power of Storytelling 



Marcus Buckingham - “How to Find Your Strengths” 

StrengthsFinders 2.0 Gallup Assessment 



Episode 30 - Your Personal Brand is Not What You Think 

Episode 13 - Developing Your signature Creation

Episode 4 - A Resume Excavation to Clarify Your Unique Contribution



Episode 33  - What’s Your Superpower?