How do you, dear husbands and wives, know whether your relationship with one another is growing or is becoming stagnant- If it is growing, you look forward to and you find time spent together refreshing-you want it to continue, not to end. If it is becoming stagnant, you will be looking for reasons to get away from one another. There will be other places you would rather be than with one another. Whether it is communion and nearness in your Christian marriage or communion and nearness in your relationship with Jesus Christ, communion is not usually automatic. We must all work hard against the hindrances and busyness that squeeze out our time within marriage or with Jesus. But nothing will change if you are not convinced of the necessity of nearness rather than distance-of fervency rather than lukewarmness-not only union, but communion.----As a Christian, you must with holy desires pursue communion, and not stop at union. You cannot grow without blessed communion with Jesus each day. If you would rather be somewhere else when you meet with the Lord, you reveal that you are not truly communing with Him. It has become a mere duty-not loving communion. This is a significant reason why there is little or no growth in the fruit of the Spirit, why temptations are not mortified, and why there is little joy and assurance of faith. When you want that precious time with Jesus to continue -and not to end-, you will know that you are truly communing with Him -Luke 10-41-42-.

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