Do we trust the Gospel?

In our last installment, we considered that question and looked in to some of the modern practices which expose our lack of faith in the power of the Gospel.

In this installment, join us as we breakdown a sermon which was shared on Sunday morning September 17th by Rick Gage, an evangelist who is in our area for a Crusade which has been promoted over the last few months.

We believe this sermon/speech to be a clear picture of the methods and tactics we are attempting to caution others about, and we pray that you would prayerfully consider if these practices are grounded in biblical faith in the power of God to save, or if they are grounded in faith which rests upon the power of man to force decisions.


This is not an attack or an effort against Rick Gage or Go Tell ministries, this is an effort to expose unbiblical practices, methods, and tactics within the Church. There are many who utilize these tactics simply because it is commonplace and we were probably reared in a church culture which revered these methods. Just because someone practices these things does not mean they are not truly a Christian, in fact, it is because we hold many of these individuals as brothers or sisters in the faith that we wish to see repentance and correction so badly. These things are harming the body of Christ, our family, and we wish to see the body of Christ purified by the true power of the Word.