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A scheme to nominate President Joko Widodo for vice president, which is suddenly occupying headlines, would face multiple hurdles – legal, ethical, political and electoral.  The idea may have arisen from the camp of Gerindra Chair Prabowo Subianto, but it has at least some currency with Widodo’s supporters.  It therefore serves as an indicator that they may be losing heart in the prospects for nominating Widodo’s ally, Central Java Gov Ganjar Pranowo.  In fact, Ganjar’s strong poll standing is still likely to attract sufficient party support for a nomination at some stage.  ‘Widodo for VP’ reflects the establishment's eagerness to find a path to a friendly successor regime. 

Also in this episode: prospects for police reform emanating from the 'Brigadir J' case revelations, and how a change in PPP's chair could boost outgoing Jakarta Gov Anies Baswedan. 

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