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10 months to the day before next year's momentous election, Indonesia's electoral process is plodding through a veritable gauntlet of meddling.  This includes spurious procedural disputes, unscrupulous legal attacks and a late-stage attempt to revise rules.  And the once-independent Anti-Corruption Commission (KPK) is at issue: an editorial in Tempo, once a staunch KPK defender, asserts that the commission is now an instrument of abuse.  Machinations seemingly aim to indict Anies Baswedan regarding funding for a Formula-E grand prix -- but a weak charge against a presidential contender would likely call the election's legitimacy into question.

Jeff and Kevin discuss the rapidly evolving state of play -- and assess the assertion of Jakarta's rumor mill that Megawati has finally decided to imminently endorse Central Java Gov Ganjar Pranowo as the presidential nominee of PDI‑Perjuangan.  Did the decision come about at considerable cost to Ganjar's support among football fans?  Indonesia lost its right to host the Under-20 football World Cup amid calls from Ganjar and others to ban the Israel team.  And finally, a look at the timeline for when the bulk of Indonesia's parties might finalize their presidential nominations.  Did we mention there are only 10 months to the elections? Enjoy the show.

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