The Possibility of Creating a State Bank in California with Ellen Brown, author of The Web of Debt- The Shocking Truth About Our Monetary System and How We Can Break Free, and Laura Wells, running for the nomination of the Green Party for Governor of California. Ellen wrote an article entitled 'CALIFORNIA DREAMIN': HOW THE STATE CAN BEAT ITS BUDGET WOES citing the successful example of North Dakota's State Bank to help California steer a new path through its economic crisis. Her article has inspired others to begin drafting legislation to create a state bank for California. Laura Wells, with her background in finance, management and political innovation, has garnered more votes than any other Green Party candidate for state office, when she ran for State Controller on a "Follow the Money" platform. She embraces the idea of a state bank and reshifting taxes from people to corporations.


Ellen Brown's website is:

Source: Progressive Radio Network

Aired: 3/18/10 12:00 AMThis podcast is an aggregate of audio files freely available online. Please visit the original source and subscribe to the host website.