Zappo CEO Tony Hsieh requires that all applicants for a job at Zappo fill out an application and one of the questions on the application is:  On a scale of 1 to 10 - how weird are you?      He explains that someone who would say that they are a "one" or "two" or even a "three" would not fit at Zappo's.   But perhaps a person who had the nerve to say that they were a "ten" might be just the person they are looking for!!!      Of course this isn't going to be true at most companies as corporate America is pretty rigid and fitting into corporate uniformity most certainly can suppress your creativity.   But let's look at how companies narrow down applicants and who eventually gets the job!! 

And the second news headline I want to comment on is Donald Trump's suggestion that we repeal the 14th Amendment.   HURRAY!!!  Finally.................................someone recognizes the source of all of the problems with illegal immigration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was waiting for someone to finally come up with this answer.  Hillary just lost my vote!!!