When I first started my radio show back in 2012, I was 15 lbs. overweight.  And as I did my show every week, I lost weight! 

It was like I was pregnant with things I needed to say -- and as I said them, I lost weight.  I've been doing my show now for 2 and 1/2  And more and more I realize how much what I say either makes me gain weight or allows me to lose weight!     In sharing how I lost the weight, on this show, which I did January 4th, 2013, I kinda go all the way around the world and back - because I had so much to say, and I think I tried to say it all on this one show!   I've since learned to break things down more and deal with one thing at a time.  But if you listen to this show, then in the archives, I have 2 years of shows that will break things down and discuss them one at a time!   However, this show does get to the heart of the matter - and I guarantee that you will lose weight!