I attended a 7 day retreat  during my time I studied with Lama Surya Das.  We did a practice that I can't remember the name of now but it was a meditation to the Creator Gods (in the DzogChen Buddhist teachings), In the DzogChen teachings, the Gods are masculine and feminine.  The masculine god  has his feminine counterpart  The mating of the divine masculine and the divine feminine is the most preciously described in the this meditation that we did daily.   We visualized the gods making love and the juices of their love making we take into our body through the crown chakra and then we let it go everyplace in the body.  If there is a place that needs healing, we allow the juices to go there and heal and restore.  If there are hurts, or traumas, we allow the juices to soothe and heal the hurt.   We allow our whole self to be ministered to by the love of the gods and then we release the juices to go out of our body and they go to the demons and hungry ghosts and the evil places to be cleansed and purified.  Gods love knows no boundaries or restrictions or conditions.   The love making between two humans should always be love and responsibility.