Every now and then, I just have to talk to Christians.   It is sad to say that Christians are keeping the earth from having peace.  And I am an advocate for peace, so every now and then, I have to take the Christians to task about what they preach and teach.   If you have the desire for peace on earth, and you are a Christian, please listen to my suggestions and see if there is any part of it that you might be able to try to do.   So, yes I am going to preach!   Every now and then, I just have to preach.   Mostly I preach in my car when I am driving in freeway traffic.   Years ago, people would look at me like I am crazy - who is she talking to?  But now, everyone is talking to someone in their car, so I can preach now in my car and not get those strange looks from other drivers, who are also talking to someone in their car!     And every now and then, I just have to preach on this radio show.
