Next Episode: A Word from God

I've been doing my radio show since October of 2012.  And I have talked about a lot of stuff!   Things I wanted to say.   I am thankful that I live in a country that allows Freedom of Speech.  I can sit here in my office and talk to the world.  Amazing!   

For the last 3 years, my sister and I have been exchanging a morning meditative time together.  Usually it has scriptures and recently, I have been getting what I call - a Word from God.   All of us have God's Spirit within us.  I have talked a lot about this on other shows over the years.  This presence of God within us is what makes us all "equal" - and it is the only way we are equal!  Otherwise, each of us is a unique form that has never been before  and never will be again!   

Since I have been hearing this "Word from God" - I wish to share it with you. Sometimes it is directly from Source, or God, sometimes it is  from God's Spirit, sometimes from Jesus, sometimes from Mother Mary, sometimes from Angels.    You are also able to get a Word from God and I want to encourage you to begin to listen down inside of you, in the area of your heart.   And I also will be  sharing my Word from God with you each day.