Today, let's meet Stacie Taylor, Frontend Engineer at Zapier.

After a Bachelor of Communication, she became an International Teller at Wells Fargo, then Account Manager for Social High Rise, a small Social Media agency where she evolved as Product Manager for 3 years. Stacie then became Director of Account Management Processes for 7 years in this agency, after being hired at Zapier a year and a half from now, as Customer Champion first, then as Frontend Engineer.

She talks about her path to Tech, her life balance as a mom, The Collab Lab initiative, a collaborative, remote project practice for early career web developers. But also discrimination as a woman, how to live with the Impostor syndrome, role models and mentors, how to make tech more diverse and inclusive, how Zapier and the Silicon Valley adapted to COVID-19, her greatest achievement, her preferred languages/frameworks, the need for time off to avoid burnout, and more!

Discover her inspiring and insightful story!