Welcome to Episode 36 of Reel Travels. I’m your host Lisa Iannucci and I am your film and tv travel guide. This week, we’re going to take a detour and talk about something that I’ve been doing a lot of lately and when I tell people about it, they ask me for advice. Today, we’re going to talk about downsizing your home to fund your travel -- can it be done? 

Thank you so much for listening to the Reel Travels podcast. Please follow me on Instagram @thevirgintraveler and if you have a minute, maybe leave me a review on this podcast? Or click on the iTunes stars. It would really help me out. 

Interested in staying in your RV overnight at a distillery or a winery? Try a Harvest Hosts membership! Click on the link for a 15% discount! 

Thanks again and I’ll see you next week!