As follow up to our discussion of the film, Wind River, we are joined by partners in the Native Women in Film & Television organization. Native Women in Film & Television is  a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting equal opportunities for American Indian & Indigenous women, encouraging the creative narrative by native women, exploring and empowering portrayals of women in all forms of global media, expanding empowerment initiatives for native women and girls, in the arts, media, social justice, civic engagement, economic empowerment, research, training and international relations.

We discuss why some organizations supporting Native Women find their struggle portrayed in Taylor Sheridan’s film. Why it resonates with many native women and how it might support the #WhyWeWearRed, #TimesUp, and #MeToo online movements to recognize trauma affecting millions of women.

If you haven't seen the movie, beware, this podcast has spoilers.

Host Jonathan Schwartz is joined by Chris Finley, Joanelle Romero, Michelle D. Schenandoah, and Lucy Simpson

Find us on Twitter: @BedrosianCenter@NDNCinema,‏ @jonHLYP, @niwrc @MichelleSchena1 @USCDornsife

For links and more, see the showpage

The opinions of activists on this podcast are  expressed as those of the speakers individually, and do not necessarily reflect those of USC, the USC Bedrosian Center, or Price Video Services.

This podcast is part of a series on Indigenous films in partnership with the Red Nation Celebration Institute, and the Red Nation Film Festival. It is brought to you by Price Video Services and USC Bedrosian Center, and continues ongoing efforts to bring policy and its impact into the public discourse.

Sound supervision by the Brothers Hedden.

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