Hello there everyone and welcome to this week’s Reel Film Nerds Podcast. Today Mike and Matt chat about a little comedy that just hit theaters, About My Father starring Robert De Niro, Sebastian Maniscalco, Leslie Bibb, and Kim Cattrall. Bonus topics today include movie remakes, Disney, and night farts.

Are you looking for a quick change from all the summer blockbusters? Then About My Father is right up your alley. It is a fun soulful comedy about a father and son meeting their rich future in-laws at their summer country club home. Robert De Niro is really flexing his comedy muscles as an Italian hairstylist immigrant just wanting what’s best for his son. Sebastian Maniscalco does a great job as himself trying to be the mediator between the two very different families.

Is this film going to set the world on fire, nope. It is just a good old fashioned comedy filled with heart and a great ending. Matt and Mike agree it is not a must see in theaters but it is well worth a watch. Matt awards About My Father 3 out of 5 Reels while Mike awards the movie 3.5 out of 5 Reels.  

For our next pod Matt and Mike continue with another summer blockbuster. Probably the most anticipated of the year, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Don’t forget to stay for the end to hear Ma Hinshaw Loses Her Cookies Episode #15 where she chats about the new live action Little Mermaid. Thank you for listening and we will chat with you next week!

If you have a film you would like Matt and Mike to review, email us at [email protected]

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Finally go out and catch as many movies as you can!

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