All good things must come to an end. The good news is that it's just temporary. Our annual Harvest Horror Fest will return next October. For our final 2021 installment Mike and Matt continue their re-watch of Friday the 13th with Friday the 13th Part 2. Additional topics include Apple, slashers, and 40.

For being an over 40 year old film, Friday the 13th Part 2 is still a pretty darn good horror sequel. There are others out there but not many. The acting is rough at times and the story is just ok but the body count comes in hard and fast throughout the film. Being one of the original slasher films, Friday the 13th gives us a ton of horror movie tropes such as the harbinger, jump scares, and impossible deaths. Mike and Matt both agree if you are into horror this movie is a must watch at least once. Mike, the lover of horror that he is, awards the film 3.5 out of 5 Reels. Matt enjoyed Friday the 13th Part 2 too giving it an average rating of 3 out of 5 Reels.

Next week we return to our usual shenanigans with our review of the sci-fi cult film remake Dune (2021) starring a ton of big name actors! Thank you for your continued support of our podcast and we will chat at you next week.

If you have a film you would like Matt and Mike to review, email us at [email protected]

You can find us on all things social such as YouTube, FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Why not join our Facebook Fan Group so you can yell at Mike and Matt from the comfort of your keyboard while talking about films. We also have an old fashioned website where you can watch trailers, read the host's bios, listen to the podcast, and get a ton more info on the movies we review. Thank you for liking, subscribing, rating, reviewing, and telling your friends about our podcast.

Finally go out and catch as many movies as you can!

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