Welcome to Reel Britannia-a very British podcast about very British movies ...with just a hint of professionalism.

The first of two classic British horror movies for you this Halloween weekend and the second in our Hammer Horror retrospective

Join Scott, Steven and Mark as they chat about ‘X The Unknown’ from 1956. With a script by Jimmy Sangster, a score by James Bernard and a cast featuring Dean Jagger, Edward Chapman, Leo McKern and Anthony Newley, it is a genuine classic from the early days of Hammer horror.

British commandos on manoeuvres become ill with mysterious symptoms and horrific burns. Dr. Adam Royston (Dean Jagger), an atomic scientist from a nearby research station, suspects lethal radiation ... but is mystified by the cause. At a nearby hospital, the phenomenon reappears and engulfs more innocent people, including a hospital orderly whose skin melts away from his body! Dr. Royston speculates that the unknown is on a quest to absorb radiation and expand in size and range as it claims more and more victims. As time runs short, he becomes desperate to trap the entity before its power overcomes mankind!

“It's on its way for the biggest meal of its life!”

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Thanks for listening

Scott, Steven and Mark