Welcome to Reel Britannia-a very British podcast about very British movies ...with just a hint of professionalism.

In the latest episode, Scott and Steven review the third in our season of movies starring one of nation’s favourite and best loved entertainers.

Join us we take a look at Man of the Moment from 1955 starring Norman Wisdom

A lowly filing clerk in a Whitehall ministry, Norman, finds himself propelled to head of the office when both of his superiors are away, one ill and one on leave.
Meanwhile, developments around the Pacific have put Tawaki - a small, independent island nation - at the centre of world affairs: its unique geology makes one of its outlying islands the perfect location for a world power to establish a new strategic outpost. Many have been making representations to the island's Queen, but so far she has yet to make a decision.
Hoping to impress the British case upon her, the ministry dispatches a delegation to an international conference in Geneva - and they are in need of a filing clerk to assist. Roping the initially reluctant Norman along for the trip, the party make quick progress to the Swiss city.
Once ensconced in their luxury hotel, Norman finds that his room is little more than servants' quarters, bare and unpleasant in the building's attic space. Attempting to tip some dirty shaving water out of the ceiling-level window, he instead drops the whole bowl, which smashes on the head of one of the British delegates, who happens to be standing on a balcony below.
With one of their number incapacitated, the other officials from the department are forced to call Norman in to take his place at the following day's meetings - but when his idol, a beautiful film star named Sonia, arrives in the VIP gallery Norman becomes rather distracted and unintentionally uses a veto power against British interests!
The vote, however, pleases the delegation from Tawaki and Norman soon finds himself - personally - in great favour with their Queen. As the world's major players seek his influence for their own interest over the Pacific nation, Norman finds himself repeatedly on the run and even under threat of assassination...

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#normanwisdom #manofthemoment


Thanks for listening

Scott and Steven