Welcome to Reel Britannia-a very British podcast about very British movies ...with just a hint of professionalism.

In the latest episode, Scott is joined by his co hosts from the official Talking Pictures TV Podcast, Mel and Daniel

Join us we take a look at an early Hitchcock classic, Young and Innocent (1937)

An actress is murdered by her estranged husband, who is jealous of all of her young boyfriends. The next day, writer Robert Tisdall (who happens to be one such boyfriend) discovers her body on the beach. He runs to call the police, however, two witnesses think that he is the escaping murderer. Robert is arrested, but owing to a mix-up at the courthouse, he escapes and goes on the run with a Police Constable's daughter Erica, determined to prove his innocence.

You can find this and all of our previous episodes at:

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Thanks for listening

Scott, Mel and Daniel

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