Welcome to Reel Britannia - a very British podcast about very British movies ...with just a hint of professionalism.

This week, Scott is joined by Steven to review the Boulting Brothers classic Private’s Progress (1956)

As World War II settles over England, university student Stanley Windrush (Ian Carmichael) receives his call-up. During training, Windrush is plunged into a thoroughly unfamiliar world, with his leading officer, Maj. Hitchcock, more apt to be found in a pub than on the base. There's also Pvt. Percy Fox (Richard Attenborough), a cunning working-class type always on the make, and the cold and crafty Bertram Tracepurcel (Dennis Price). All are being trained for an unusual mission inside Germany.




“Good Lord - Windrush! What on earth are you doing dressed up as a Jerry? You're an absolute bounder.”


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Scott and Steven

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