Welcome to Reel Britannia-a very British podcast about very British movies ...with just a hint of professionalism.

Episode 084 – Look Back In Anger (1959)

Scott and Steven are back in the Balaban Sound Studio for this week’s review…continuing our look at the kitchen sink dramas. It’s 1959 and the movie that proclaimed the era of the angry young man. Richard Burton stars alongside Clare Bloom and Mary Ure in the Tony Richardson picture, Look Back In Anger

Richard Burton smoulders as the ever-complaining Jimmy Porter in Tony Richardson's version of John Osborne's ground-breaking play, which at the time was the epitome of the kitchen-sink drama and heralded the liberated Swinging Sixties. As the downtrodden, middle-class wife taking the brunt of his tirades, Mary Ure poignantly deserves better from life than a husband who believes the world owes him a living, while Burton makes his portrayal remarkably unsympathetic. An emblem of its time that's not to be missed.

A disillusioned cynic takes out his anger at the world by having an affair with his wife's best friend, causing untold misery for everyone he knows. Tony Richardson's adaptation of John Osborne's play, starring Richard Burton, Mary Ure and Claire Bloom.

Jimmy Porter Richard Burton
Helena Charles Claire Bloom
Alison Porter Mary Ure
Mrs Tanner Edith Evans
Cliff Lewis Gary Raymond

“Ladies and gentlemen, a little recitation entitled 'she was only a gravediggers daughter but she loved lying under the sod'.”

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Scott and Steven