Welcome to Reel Britannia-a very British podcast about very British movies ...with just a hint of professionalism.

In the latest episode, Scott is joined by Steven to chat about unskilled soldiery, Scottish accents and shipwrecked spirits.

Join us we take a look at the Ealing Comedy classic, Whisky Galore – featuring John Gregson, James Robertson Justice and Gordon Jackson

During World War II, the tiny Scottish island of Todday runs out of whisky. When the freighter S.S. Cabinet Minister runs aground nearby during a heavy fog, the islanders are delighted to learn that its cargo consists of 50,000 cases of whisky. When officious English commanding officer Captain Waggett (Basil Radford) demands return of the liquor, shopkeeper Joseph Macroon (Wylie Watson) and his daughters Peggy (Joan Greenwood) and Catriona (Gabrielle Blunt) spearhead an island rebellion.

“It's a well known fact that some men were born two drinks below par.”

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Thanks for listening

Scott and Steven