Welcome to Reel Britannia-a very British podcast about very British movies ...with just a hint of professionalism.

In the latest episode, Scott is joined by Tony to chat about coppers, crime and Carry Ons

Join us as we go back to 1960 and take a look at the fourth Carry On movie, Carry On Constable. Featuring the usual faces and first appearance in the franchise for Sid James.

“Would you care to have a look at my shubunkin?”

A local police force is left short-staffed by a flu epidemic. Enter four bungling trainee policemen to fill the gap! Sergeant Wilkins has to try to turn them into real police overnight, but in the meantime criminals can breathe a sigh of relief while the innocent had better watch out...

You can find this and all of our previous episodes at:
Apple Podcasts
Player FM

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Thanks for listening

Scott and Tony