Welcome to Reel Britannia-a very British podcast about very British movies ...with just a hint of professionalism.

Episode 062 – Bunny Lake Is Missing (1965)

Scott and Steven are back in the Balaban Sound Studio for this week’s review…a mystery / thriller starring Laurence Olivier, Carol Lynley and Keir Dullea. Also featuring Noel Coward, Martita Hunt and Anna Massey…Bunny Lake is missing…or is she?

Ann Lake has recently settled in England with her daughter, Bunny. When she goes to retrieve her daughter after the girl's first day at school, no one has any record of Bunny having been registered. When even the police can find no trace that the girl ever existed, they wonder if the child was only a fantasy of Ann's. When Ann's brother backs up the police's suspicions, she appears to be a mentally-disturbed individual. Are they right?

“I have some more African heads in my apartment. Small, pickled ones. Do drop in anytime you care to meet some unsuccessful politicians.”

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Scott and Steven

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