Welcome to Reel Britannia-a very British podcast about very British films....with the occasional hint of professionalism.

In this timely episode, we invite you to take a break from all the chaos of Brexit and the upcoming EU elections, and join us as we travel back to 1949 and laugh along with the classic Ealing comedy, Passport to Pimlico.

The accidental explosion of an undetonated German bomb left over from World War II unearths a long-buried cellar containing both fabulous riches and a previously unknown royal charter from King Edward IV that cedes the surrounding land to the last Duke of Burgundy. Since the charter has never been rescinded, the London district of Pimlico is now legally the long-lost Duchy of Burgundy, and therefore no longer subject to British law, including postwar rationing and pub closure hours.

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Thanks for listening

Scott and Steven