Disaster Planning with Telegraham - Episode 90 - Reef Beef Podcast

In this episode we talk to Jim Graham about how to protect your aquarium and home during a power outage.

Thank you to our sponsors:

Saltwater Aquarium: https://tinyurl.com/RBSaltwaterAquarium

 Saltwater Aquarium Wholesale: https://tinyurl.com/SWAWholesale

 Saltwater Aquarium Octopus Controller Cabinet: https://tinyurl.com/SWAOctoController

 PolypLab: https://www.polyplab.com/

 Champion Lighting: https://www.championlighting.com/

 Champion Lighting Wholesale: https://www.championlightingdealer.com/



Preparing to leave your tank: https://therichross.com/2009/preparing-to-leave-your-tank/

MPP: https://watts247.com/product/pip-2724lv-mr/

 200amp hour battery: https://signaturesolar.com/eg4-lifepower4-lithium-battery-24v-200ah/

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Reef Beef Poem: 

Come gather ’round, ocean lovers all,

And lend your ears to the Reef Beef call,

A podcast that explores the depths,

Of coral reefs, their life and deaths.


With hosts who know the ocean well,

And tales of sea creatures to tell,

They guide us through a world unknown,

Where the tiniest of creatures have grown.


The Reef Beef podcast brings to light,

The beauty and the plight,

Of a world that lies beneath the waves,

And how we must protect it for future days.


Through laughter and through tears,

The hosts enlighten us with their years,

Of knowledge and of love for the sea,

And how we can all help it to be free.


So if you love the ocean deep,

And all the secrets it does keep,

Tune in to the Reef Beef podcast,

And hear the ocean’s voice at last.