Esteban Almiron (@taseenb on Twitter) joins Nate Wallace for this 2020 in review episode focused primarily on the perceived threat Diego Maradona posed in the eyes of Western corporate media; and the effects "anti-communism" ideology (the official state ideology of the U.S. empire) has on sport, politics, and progressive people's movements; all of this to ensure that socialist and/or anti-imperialist voices are marginalized, slandered or -if need be- worse.

Esteban lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but has also lived in Italy during the time of Maradona. He works as a designer and programmer and does investigative reporting into issues dealing with the intersection of big tech & politics. He has worked closely with The Grayzone's Ben Norton on an investigation into the politics that drove the insane Trump-era IMF loan (largest in history) to Argentina; the hope for the U.S. was that Argentina would then assist Washington's efforts to illegally insert Juan Guaido in as president (usurper in chief) of Venezuela.

Diego Maradona tragically passed away late in 2020, and this is a way for us to examine the ways in which he was maligned and even posthumously character assassinated by some in the mainstream press.

Esteban and Nate get into a range of sport-related topics that connect back to the world of political power, imperialism, people's resistance to empire and much more.

Recorded on Saturday, December 19th, 2020.

Follow Esteban Almiron on Twitter: @tassenb

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