Hey there and welcome to the RCBS. Today is the first of our new segments. Our podcast featires great interviews with local business and will also feature micro-learnings and masterclasses. Now as we build these segments of the podcast, the masterclass will be a variety of view points from some of our experts who we have featured in the podcast, while the micro-learning is exactly that a small lessson on building your business. Today I will fly solo on a micro learning for you on the customer journey. You may have heard the term, Customer Journey and wondered what it meant and why you should do it.

today I want to talk about the journey we take our customers on to do business with us. Have you ever visited a website and found it difficult to buy or connect with them. Maybe you have been in a physical shop and the lack of service and awareness makes it hard for you to give them money. They are missed opportunities for your business.

Better Business Workshop - https://thinkandgrowbusiness.com.au/better-business-workshop-small-business/

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of the Redlands Coast Business Show, I hope you found it valuable and you have your key points that will help you in your business journey.If you would like to be a guest on the podcast or know someone who would be a great guest, simply go to redlandscoastbusiness.com.au and connect with us. Don't forget to subscribe to be notified of our next episode when again, we will chat with another great Redlands Coast business. This is Tony Curl, I'll see you then.
