Hey there, it's Coach Curl Here, and welcome to the Redlands Coast Business Show. This is episode 33 and the second in our 2022 series of the Podcast. We had great feedback from our episode last week with Josh Kuskopf, the young video maker in the Redlands, with his energy and quest to build a successful business. In this episode, we move into the world of professional services, and the growing sector of life coaching. Coaching is a growing industry and the 2020 International Coaching Federation tells us that coaching practitioners have increased by 33% worldwide and the size of the industry in terms of revenue has grown 21%. In 2019, coaching globally was estimated to be a USD 2.849 billion dollar industry.

It is an industry where you need to clearly differentiate yourself and define your niche and your customer. What we know, is that not everyone can be a tony Robbins, NOR does every client want a Tony Robbins. While the revenue is growing quickly, the growth of people calling themselves coaches is growing faster. Out of a recent Better Business Workshop on the Sunshine Coast, out of 11 participants, 5 were building a coaching practice. In every market you have to be clear on who you serve, coaching even more so

Emily can be contacted at

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of the Redlands Coast Business Show, I hope you found it valuable and you have the key points that will help you in your business journey. If you would like to be a guest on the podcast or know someone who would be a great guest, simply go to redlandscoastbusiness.com.au and connect with us. Don't forget to subscribe to be notified of our next episode when again, we will chat with another great Redlands Coast business. This is Tony Curl, I'll see you then.

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