It's my pleasure for episode 23 to bring you Suzie Tafolo. Suzie is well known in the redlands business community, she runs Redlands and Surrounds Home HUB and has recently taken on the Redlands Business Directory. She is a member of the executive of the Redlands Coast Chamber of Commerce, recently joining the VP ranks in the committee. She is energetic and she shares her story and passion during our conversation and it is really one to listen to.

Suzie can be contacted at

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of the Redlands Coast Business Show, I hope you found it valuable and you have your key points that will help you in your business journey.
If you would like to be a guest on the podcast or know someone who would be a great guest, simply go to and connect with us. Don't forget to subscribe to be notified of our next episode when again, we will chat with another great Redlands Coast business. This is Tony Curl, I'll see you then.