Jason and Wyatt are back for another episode of "Rediscovered," a podcast reviewing obscure TV, moves, and cartoons from the '80s. The 6th episode covers the 1989 feature film Little Monsters starring Fred Savage and Howie Mandell. The story revolves around a teenage boy who discovers a minster realm under his bed and befriends one of its inhabitants.

Our podcast goes in depth on the movie including the cast and crew, soundtrack, release history. We'll also give you our favorite and least favorite scenes, characters, and overall thoughts on whether we recommend you rediscover the movie or leave it in the past.

We also welcome your comments on Little Monsters and any suggestions for TV shows, movies, or cartoons for us to review in future episodes. Visit our show notes at Rediscoverthe80s.com or watch our podcast recording session on the RD80s YouTube channel!