[1:30] Vijay can you tell us about Freshworks?

[3:00] What have you done with Redis?  

[4:00] How do you choose technology/databases?

[8:45] How do you deploy?

[12:45] Tell us more about your “main Redis” use case

[14:50] Do you have an idea of operations per second? 

[17:45] Did you do the migration live? 

[18:05] How does Freshworks leverage the Bloom filter? 

[17:00] What made you migrate from Elastic Cache?

[20:50] Any other use case you want to highlight?

[23:25] Why Freshworks uses the Lua script

[24:50] What to come next?

[26:10] What are you the proudest of in your project?

[27:30] How do you keep your developers engage?

Relevant Links:


Freshworks Use Case

Basic Rate Limiting Best Practices
