Previous Episode: Success on your first attempt
Next Episode: Are you substantial?

If you know me, you know I'm fascinated with ALL studies of the universe as well as human behavior. And by the way, I believe ALL leaders should be. How can you lead in a disruptive and rapidly changing world unless you have a firm grip on WHY it's changing and HOW things work? That being said, the study of Epigenetics tells us a LOT about WHY you are who and what you are; and WHY you do and don't do. The mass of Epigenetic research tells us basically that who and what you are today is a by-product of where you came from. I had an interesting conversation a couple of years ago with a scientist who argued that Epigenetics PROVES we have no free will; and NO control over who we are. I see it VASTLY differently. Although I DO RECOGNIZE the challenge we're ALL up against...

If you know me, you know I'm fascinated with ALL studies of the universe as well as human behavior. And by the way, I believe ALL leaders should be. How can you lead in a disruptive and rapidly changing world unless you have a firm grip on WHY it's changing and HOW things work? That being said, the study of Epigenetics tells us a LOT about WHY you are who and what you are; and WHY you do and don't do. The mass of Epigenetic research tells us basically that who and what you are today is a by-product of where you came from. I had an interesting conversation a couple of years ago with a scientist who argued that Epigenetics PROVES we have no free will; and NO control over who we are. I see it VASTLY differently. Although I DO RECOGNIZE the challenge we're ALL up against...