We’ve been discussing the most important keys to Alchemy and Transmutation. Counting the cost before beginning the journey Knowing what you stand for Being willing to sacrifice for what you stand for. These are all important and another key that’s equally important is telling the truth. This may seem simple, but we live in a world where truth doesn’t often appear to be highly valued. In fact, those who tell lies are often rewarded while those who tell the truth are often persecuted, even prosecuted. Think about how many have been censored or canceled for stating something against the controlling narrative. Consider how many truths have been suppressed and swept under the rug because they didn’t serve the powers in charge. While again, telling the truth may seem simple—it’s just simply not applied. Bersabeh and I were discussing over coffee a few mornings back how almost without exception, those who are remembered as heroes in our world are those who went against the controlling narrative. Socrates Buddha The Christ JFK Ghandi… the list is endless. The authors of the US Constitution As you think about it now, it would be difficult—maybe impossible to find someone who we believe to be heroic that didn’t buck the common way of thinking. No one who was normal ever made history. Truth starts with being honest with yourself. This takes self-awareness and self-confidence. When you live a lie you must remember and protect the lie. Unfortunately, many if not most have little of either—self-awareness or self-confidence. You can’t be honest with others if you can’t even be honest with yourself. example: God, making a difference, being a good person… Ask yourself: Who am I really? What’s most valuable to me? For what purpose do I do the things I do? Do my actions align with what I’ve answered? Take an inventory: it’s not what you say that defines you, it’s what you do.

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